Moment of OSB Silence

Hey everybody, Trae here. Today is Sunday and normally that would mean another riveting edition of OurSundyBest. And we had one in the hopper too, almost done, but honestly it just feels….wrong, somehow to post it now. Tone deaf, or something. Also it’s NOT yet done and this is supposed to be a comedy blog and none of us are feeling particularly funny at the moment.

I’m so god damn sad. And furious. I’ve spent a fair amount of time in Orlando and absolutely love it there. I’ve got a lot of (mostly comic) friends down there and as I’m writing this I’m not even 100% sure that they’re all OK, though I think they are. And then when I think about the probable reasoning behind why this happened where it happened, it just…I hate Hate, so much. I hope the people constantly spouting hateful homophobic bullshit under the pretense of their “beliefs” realize now exactly the type of people they are putting themselves in league with. This right here is exactly why that shit is NOT OK, god dammit. This is what happens. Anyway. Sigh.

The shooting itself is something I’m sure will be discussed endlessly in the coming days/weeks, including probably in here or on my videos, although it’s going to be hard to find the humor in this bullshit. Which is what it is. Stupid fucking bullshit perpetrated by assholes. Big bull assholes. Anyway, OSB will be back soon. We love y’all.

42 thoughts on “Moment of OSB Silence

  1. Mr. Crowder, I recently learned of your comedy, and I must say you are angling with Ron White and Eddie Murphy to be my favorite comic OF ALL TIME. That said, I appreciate your insight, perspective and just outright common fuckin’ sense. Your comments today are a testament to someone who has more than a little humanity and humility — fairly uncommon in our Age of Trump. Godspeed.

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Well, it is officially a terrorist attack. “The shooter called 911, pledged allegiance to ISIS and mentioned the Boston bombers, according to a U.S. official.”


    1. There have been two hundred anti lgtbq bills put forth by congress in the last six months. Don’t you dare make this about Islam. It’s about your government making space for hate.

      Liked by 5 people

      1. littlefoxtrot – Not sure how you can decide if this was a hate crime or an act of terrorism. This man has been on the FBI’s watch list, and officials knew at 9:30 pm last night, a minimum of 4 hours before this incident played out, that he was in Orlando and was up to something. The shooter called 911 and took responsibility for what he was about to do and pledged his allegiance to ISIS. So – in addition to being of the Muslim religion who HATE gay people he also pledging support to ISIS. Regardless – 50 people are dead! I don’t give a fuck what this guy’s motive was, I care about the deceased, the injured and the families of all of these people. The gov’t can work on the “why” this happened. We can work on supporting our community in a time of need.

        Liked by 1 person

    2. His father says otherwise. But it would be just like our media outlets to smoke screen this as much as possible. ” Oh, it was Isis? Well there ya go! God damn Muslims killing our citizens.” Except the killer was an American who was outraged to see two men making out while he was in Miami, some night prior to this one.

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    3. It’s been classified as a hate crime AND a terrorist attack, so don’t go letting the perpetrators of hate get off easy on this one.


  3. Trae, Corey and Drew – thank you! Yes, Sundays are the day I look to all of you for my daily week of Liberal Redneck Humor. I live in Orlando – I’ve been here 43 years and it is my home. I am gutted by this terrible Hate crime and that’s exactly what it is. It is true that the shooter called into the 911 system in Orlando and pledged his allegiance to ISIS. Is he really a radical muslim or is he just a man who went off the edge because, as some of his family has said, he was disgusted at a wedding he attended last week in Miami and watched two men share a passionate kiss. That’s when he became an ignorant fuck wad. This SOB was on a mission to murder and he succeeded! To hear that he laughed as he fired rounds killing people makes me want to puke. Fuck that bastard – I hope the virgins his religion has promised him as a martyr are ugly, overweight, transgendered virgins! I am madder than hell and sadder than sad! Thank you for addressing this and honoring the deceased. Love you guys!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I must clarify that my line about the virgins he should receive is in no way meant as a derogatory comment towards the LBGT community and I apologize if it came across that way! I have a sister who is gay and this very well could have affected her family. Thankfully it didn’t! Orlando will rise from this tragedy and we will move forward to make Orlando a safe place to live! Peace … only peace!!


      1. Until I read this second post, I was crediting you with the idea of this fuckwad being presented with virgins who represent the antithesis of his desires and would make his erernity the very hell he deserves. It was beautiful.

        That was until this second post, where you went with the “my friend/family is [insert group i.e., black, gay, fat, etc.] defense. Alas, a true part of yourself appeared. Perhaps even a part of yourself your work to eschew. A part that on a cognizant level you know to be wrong. But present nonetheless.

        Saying you were not being derogatory does not make it so. You apologized “if it came off this way.” There is no “if.” It was derogatory. Period. Own it and apologize for being derogatory.

        Your third post didn’t help either (no reply option for that post). You continue to assert you weren’t being derogatory, when you were. You then get offended because someone wasn’t nice to you in pointing out that you just ripped on every “ugly, overweight, trangendered virgin” in the world.

        Seriously, for your own growth, take a minute and reflect on how ignorant you sound. Your heart is clearly trying to be in the right place. I do hope this response was kindly enough.


    2. I thought your post was really nice……until you got to the part where you bash transgender women, which I AM coincidentally. So, great post, NOT, go fuck yourself. Oh, and so you don’t appear ignorant if you choose to bash trans women again, it’s “transgender”, their is no such word as transgendered, it’s an adjective that describes a woman, period.


      1. Briana, in case you didn’t read my 2nd post stating that I wanted to clarify that I was in no way making derogatory comments about the transgender women. I was really angry with the ass-wipe that wiped out so many beautiful people. It was a mistake and I apologized for it. For you to turn around and tell me to “Go Fuck Myself” kinda makes you ignorant. Instead of standing united and kindly letting me know that I was mistaken, you jump all over me. I am a human just like you are. I make mistakes. So again, I am sorry I am not 100% up to date on the terms to describe transgender women (which I will educate myself about). I will still stand in my support for the LGBT community, like I always have, but please consider not being so harsh to people who are not experts .

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    3. Janice, I am another Orlando resident and completely understand your feelings on this sad day here in O-Town. I am sorry Briana felt it necessary to split hairs with you. Know that there are many others willing to support you emotionally because Lord knows how emotional our whole city is this day… Bless you. That said… I agree with you in that his 911 call was not evidence that he was some major player in ISIS. His own family said that he was disgusted with two guys kissing in front of his 3 year old son and became outraged. I also believe he was a man over the edge. If I ever decide to shoot up a club, I’m going to call 911 and pledge my allegiance to Donald Duck… Point made… Boom…


      1. Let’s be real here, Prince went up to heaven almost two months ago. Do you really think there are any virgins left?? (Sorry, just trying to lighten the mood a little…it’s getting a little tense). Love ya Trae! Keep doing what you’re doing!

        Liked by 1 person

    4. I agree with everything you said but why transgender? Isn’t that part of lgbt? I’m trans and I can promise you even if held I at gun point or eternal damnation.. I wouldn’t touch this guy.


  4. Since I discoverd your work, you’ve yet to say a word I disagree with. Thank you for handling this tradgedy with the grace and discretion that is so rare from people in the public eye these days. Much love to you, and thoughts to your friends, and all the other good people in Orlando who are suffering right now.


  5. Love you too. As long as humans are willing to follow a set of fairy tales that amplify and give structure to hate while legitimizing, authorizing and aggrandizing violence and call all of that bullshit “religion,” we’re gonna have this. The Trumps will Trumpet and the Chumps will hump them bullets around while our sons and daughters are slaughtered. Love you too. Keep up the fantastic work.


  6. Thank you, Trae, for your humanity, civility and loving respect on this horrible day. This event no doubt will invoke many future discussions on a complex of relevant issues. I just hope clarity reigns and that “agendas” are put aside so that some positive correction to the “way things are” results.


  7. Hey Trae.. Well said sir… I feel a common bond with you, being a farm boy “liberal” in Texas. These expressions of hate have to end.. I don’t know how, but I think we get the best results from saying what we believe in the form of humor, and without malice. Keep doing what you do, cause you’re good at it. You’ll find a way to talk about this shit when the time right.


  8. Trae, I have quickly become an adoring fan of you and your humor. I hope to see you one day at one of your shows.
    Now I want to thank you for your insight and compassion. Thank you for your mind and your voice.


  9. I understand why you choose not to release something today. It would seem… uncaring, somehow. Flippant. Not truly in touch with such a loss. At any rate, my thoughts are with all those lost, and with your friends. I hope everyone is all right. My heart is sore and so tired of this hate.


  10. Mr Trae
    Thank you for existing. I joke around with my nerdy smart kid, I say Im okay if you end up a redneck (cause I love reddies, I see how smart they are) he is only 13 and only knows the stereotype, he thinks I’m really joking but I’m not. Please keep up the good work!


  11. I’m a bit late on this one, but I would like Trae to know that his video for NYDN was, bar none, the BEST take on the Orlando shootings I have seen anywhere (Samantha Bee’s was very good too), and that includes those by professional journalists on the news channels or network news. It seemed as if they wanted to leave the LGBT element out of it and you made sure that it was and I truly appreciated it.

    Why is it that for the last… 16 years?… that comedians (Stewart,Colbert, etc) are far better at meaningful commentary on recent events than are politicians and “journalists”?


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